The right professionals, always.

Match your workforce with the demand by renting trusted professionals from other companies, or renting out your professionals to others.

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Need temporary professionals?

Rent them from other companies that have extra available.

No need to hire employees

Changing demand and hiring employees is a difficult combination, rent the experts instead to save money and time.

Complete the project

Sometimes a project needs professionals you don't have, by renting the temporary experts you can complete the project!

Lean operations

Having the right professionals at the right time makes your business run efficiently and profitably.

Surplus of experts?

Rent out your professionals to other companies when you don't need them.

Turn costs into profits

Every employee costs money, are they working or not. Rent out the experts temporarily to turn costs into revenue.

Keep your professionals

The hard-to-find professionals remain your employees, even when working on other companies' sites.

Lean operations

Making all the resources create value is essential for business profitability.

Trusted experts 

All experts are already employees of another company and thus trusted and skilled.

The worker description gives you the needed additional information to find the professional you need.

Easy to use 

Simple platform where you can find the right professional, at the right time, and for the right price.

Find the best professional for your exact needs.


Experts for changing demand when and where you need them. The service is available 24/7.

SpareShovel is a B2B, construction industry human resource sharing platform that allows you to rent out your temporarily unused professionals to other companies, or to rent other companies' unused experts to your projects. This leads to more efficient use of human resources and a win-win for all parties.

Temporarily renting experts allows your company to complete work that would otherwise be difficult due to investments, legislation, or the volatile nature of the industry.

Renting out your unused professionals allows your company to generate income from workers that would otherwise only accrue costs.

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